5 tips on settling your newborn

Tips on putting baby down in their cot once they are asleep

white noise

Have a white noise machine playing in their room - we use our Alexa at home and I have a Baby Shusher at the studio, but anything that can play a white noise sound will do

hot water bottle

Put a hot water bottle in their cot or Moses basket before you lay them in it so it’s nice and toasty for them to snuggle in

pat and sway

Pat their bum gently before attempting to lay them down. The rhythmic patting mimics the sound that baby was used to when in the womb. Swaying back and forward also emulates the feeling of being in the womb and both help baby settle well.

Feet first

As you place them down make sure you lay them feet first. Putting baby down head first gives them the feeling of falling backwards and will often wake them up when placing them down. So as you lean into the cot or Moses basket place their bum and feet down and then their head.

Hold them on their side

Once you’ve laid them down if they become unsettled roll them onto their side while still keeping hold of them and Getty pat their bum or back. Continue to pat them until the seem settled and once they are asleep turn them back onto their back and hold a hand on their chest to ensure they are asleep.


capturing miracles - photographing a home birth